One of the WAI Clinic Network Manager’s primary roles is to meet with interested parties to discuss their communities’ needs and to assist with the development of a dementia diagnostic clinic if it is indicated. The Network Manager can assist throughout all development phases, with the goal of a successful clinic launch and sustainability.
The WAI best practice guidelines outline the key aspects and requirements of the WAI’s comprehensive interdisciplinary evaluation model. This includes high-quality medical, cognitive, and psychosocial assessments using best practices for diagnosis and management of various courses of cognitive decline; and the essential steps of connecting patients and their families to educational and support services within their community. The model utilizes an interdisciplinary approach, versus a multidisciplinary approach, which results in a more insightful, comprehensive evaluation.
In addition to clinic start-up assistance, the WAI team provides ongoing support:
- Guidance with the maintenance of clinic operations
- Assistance regarding standard dementia care practices, clinical services, clinic flow, team composition, budgets, and general operations
- Education and training on dementia diagnosis, management, and safety
- Clinical consultation assistance
- Facilitation of networking and connectivity among network members
- Resource and referral assistance
- Insights to research advances and best practices
- Guidance on quality models of care
- Individual clinic data collection analysis
There are no fees or dues for clinic development assistance or to be a Clinic Network affiliate.
For more information about dementia diagnostic clinic development, contact the Dementia Diagnostic Clinic Network Manager Jody Krainer: phone (608) 263-6449 or email .