WAI Madison Office
Address: Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, UW School of Medicine and Public Health, 610 Walnut Street, 9th Floor, Madison, WI 53726
WAI Regional Milwaukee Office
Phone: (414) 219-5083
Fax: (414) 219-6563
Address: Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, UW School of Medicine and Public Health, Center for Urban Population Health, 1020 N. 12th Street, Suite 4180, Milwaukee, WI 53233
Madison WRAP office
Phone: (608) 265-5834 or or 1-800-417-4169
Fax: (608) 890-3705
Address: Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, UW School of Medicine and Public Health, CSC-MC4670, 600 Highland Ave., Madison WI 53792
Milwaukee WRAP office
Phone: (414) 219-7091
Fax: (414) 219-6563
Address: Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, UW School of Medicine and Public Health, Center for Urban Population Health, 1020 N. 12th St., Suite 4180, Milwaukee, WI 53233