There are resources available to help you or a loved one after receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. Here’s a list of steps you can take to get started.
Find a Dementia Care Specialist
In Wisconsin, there are Dementia Care Specialists in 34 counties to connect caregivers and people living with a dementia diagnosis with resources in their area.
Find a Memory Care clinic
WAI supports the development of Memory Care clinics throughout the state. Our clinic network has more than 40 clinics in 21 counties. Find a memory clinic near you.
Find local resources
WAI hosts a resource network connecting dementia care providers and people living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia with local resources and information. Find updates about the Wisconsin Dementia Resource Network here.
The Alzheimer’s Association provides programs for caregivers and people with memory loss, support groups, and a 24-hour hotline. Visit the Alzheimer’s Association Wisconsin Chapter webpage.
The Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) produces a free podcast about Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia Matters. Stay updated on news from the Wisconsin ADRC by subscribing to their electronic newsletter.
Find a detailed list of state and local services on our resources page.
Volunteer for Research
Research is an essential process in developing and testing new medical treatments and interventions. Everything we have learned about memory, memory treatments, and memory disorders is known because someone volunteered for a research study. Learn how to volunteer for a study with the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center or learn about volunteering for the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention (WRAP).
Read more about Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and caregiving:
A good place to find information about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia is the National Institute on Aging. has lists of resources and tips for dementia caregivers. You could start on their page Planning After a Dementia Diagnosis.