Join our research

Everything we have learned about memory loss and memory treatments is because someone volunteered for a research study. Thanks to study participants, researchers are making great strides in early diagnosis of memory disorders and identifying interventions to help treat, delay and possibly prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Research volunteers are needed for WRAP

Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention (WRAP) recruitment is currently open to people from groups historically under-represented in research. Our current goal is to enroll 200 additional African American participants over the next five years. Study visits are available in Milwaukee, Madison and La Crosse.

Will you be 1 of 200?

Contact WRAP for more information today. Email or call our WAI Regional Milwaukee Office at (414) 219-7901.

Participation in WRAP may include:

  • Answering questions about your daily life and health
  • A visit to Aurora Sinai Medical Center for vital assessments, blood draw, brief medical exam, memory testing and optional MRI. Participants also have the option to join the African Americans Fighting Alzheimer’s in Midlife (AA-FAIM) study.
  • Payment up to $250 for your time
  • Follow-up visits every two years
  • Participation in this study is confidential and your privacy is protected.

Are you interested in learning more about participating and the need for inclusive  studies for Alzheimer’s disease? Watch our Memories Matter video with details about our research and programs:

More about WRAP

The NIH-funded WRAP study is one of the largest and longest-running family history studies of Alzheimer’s disease in the world. The WRAP cohort consists of nearly 2,000 individuals, many who have been enrolled in the study for a decade or longer. In 2021, the WRAP study celebrated its 20th anniversary.

Participation in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention provides the most comprehensive information for our researchers through engagement in our full list of study components. Any participation is voluntary and greatly appreciated.

If you are interested in participating in Alzheimer’s disease research but do not fit this study criteria, please visit the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center volunteer page to learn about more ways to participate in our programs. Thank you.

Join Milwaukee Research Study

Did you know? Communities of color have a substantially higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

  • African Americans are nearly 2 times more at risk to develop dementia than white Americans.
  • Latinos are 1.5 times more likely at risk to develop dementia than white Americans.

Despite this public health crisis, communities of color continue to be under-represented in research studies.


Call: (414) 219-7901
