Updates in Dementia Care E-Newsletter

Updates in Dementia Care is a quarterly e-newsletter designed to educate doctors, nurses, and other memory care professionals with evidence-based best practices and clinician innovations related to diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Each issue includes features updates on clinical trends, information on recent research findings, and news about research and education opportunities.

This e-newsletter is emailed to members of the WAI-Affiliated Dementia Diagnostic Clinic Network, as well as other health care providers who have an interest in dementia care.

If you are a healthcare provider or healthcare professional and you’d like to subscribe, email us at updatesindementiacare@medicine.wisc.edu.


Newsletter Archives



Winter 2023: Deciphering news about lecanemab and Alzheimer’s drugs for our patients

Summer 2022: Improving Alzheimer’s disease services for Latinos, research updates and NEW continuing education for professionals

Spring 2022Risk reduction and Alzheimer’s disease, treating BPSD in older adults, and research updates

Winter 2022: Dementia care news and research updates

Fall 2021: Moving forward with education, programs and research

Spring 2021: Updates on virtual continuing education for providers

Winter 2021: Video highlights from WAI annual update, dementia research news and study openings

Spring/Fall 2020: Blood pressure management under SPRINT guidelines, Caregiving during COVID-19, Dementia research news

Winter 2019Welcome to Updates in Dementia Care, Managing BPSD, Dementia research news, memory clinic profile